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Obama’s State of Union Address

January 25, 2011

Full PDF version of President Obama's State of the Union address

The State of Union address is an important statement of policy aims and intentions by the US President. While the 25 Jan address (attached) has been widely reported, there has been no comment on the absence of any reference to an ETS or carbon price. In fact the only reference to climate change policies relates to the following alternative energy policy. Although this policy leaves much to be desired, it would be an advance if the Gillard government were to agree to it here. 

“Now, clean energy breakthroughs will only translate into clean energy jobs if businesses know there will be a market for what they’re selling.  So tonight, I challenge you to join me in setting a new goal:  By 2035, 80 percent of America’s electricity will come from clean energy sources.  (Applause.)      Some folks want wind and solar.  Others want nuclear, clean coal and natural gas.  To meet this goal, we will need them all -- and I urge Democrats and Republicans to work together to make it happen.  (Applause.)”

It is also worth noting that, while Obama made no direct reference to extremist Islamism, his speech appears to confirm my analysis in Quadrant in November suggesting the President has done something of a back-flip in his attitudes to Iran and the war in Afghanistan, and also to Israel. The following extract is relevant.  

“In Pakistan, al Qaeda’s leadership is under more pressure than at any point since 2001.  Their leaders and operatives are being removed from the battlefield.  Their safe havens are shrinking.  And we’ve sent a message from the Afghan border to the Arabian Peninsula to all parts of the globe:  We will not relent, we will not waver, and we will defeat you.  (Applause.)”

Des Moore

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